Corrie Pitzer will be presenting a FREE Webinar
in partnership with Safeopedia

December 8
11:00am EST

Join Corrie on his critical self-review of the New View journey that we are on. He has implemented a HOP/SIF combined process 30 years ago in South Africa, between 1986 and 1992, at 62 mines in the Gencor company (later merged with BHP) and has since shared the new view approach to safety with many clients in Australia, and since 2004 in North America.

The focus was always on integration with operational systems, the leadership to drive it and never to create new labels and buzz words. It had to be seamless and even unnoticed. Today, the New View has potentially become a system of its own, added on, and at risk to be what we rail against: Another fad and losing sight of the ultimate vision…eliminating serious injury and death when doing work.

There are at least 10 red flags, in his view, when this can become dangerous, and therefore 10 opportunities to reset, redefine and strengthen the new approach to safety. So, come and join…with an open mind…for a practitioner’s perspective.