We’re very excited to announce that Corrie Pitzer, CEO of Safemap International and Scott Cuthbert, Co-Founder of Safeopedia will be conducting a 14-part podcast series.

Along side Deming’s 14 Principles of Total Quality Management, this series has Corrie introducing his world class TOOLS and techniques that he has developed over the last 35 years, to a broader audience.

Join them as they embark on a series of 14 conversations diving ‘deep’ into the 14 ‘NEW’ Principles of Deep Safe. Each conversation will focus on one of the principles and include a special guest from around the world, where they will contribute to how they do this in PRACTICE.

Why the 14 Principles of Deming? Because Corrie believes that the 14 Principles really spelled out the ‘New View in Safety’. Deming just did it based on Quality in the previous century. If you look at those principles, each and every one of them is actually a principle that applies right now in safety.

You can now view not only the introduction to the series but also the first two principles: Drive out Fear and Transformation.

Watch the completed podcasts here.