Perth, WA
September 6-7, 2022

Leadership in the treacherous waters of risk has never been so complex! Deep safety leadership is focused on leadership in the high-risk environment.

You cannot promise a platoon of paratroopers that they will be “safe” when they are about to jump out of an airplane, into an attack. You cannot promise underground miners that they will be safe, or cave divers, deep-sea fishing crews or oilrig workers. Or construction workers, fire fighters and paramedics, factory workers, refinery or plant operators…wherever danger lurks, the leadership is different. You are leading them in danger, and into danger, and doing your best to be as safe as possible…

  • This is deep safety leadership.
  • This is the leadership of pioneers and explorers and we need that in the red zone workplace!
  • Leadership has just taken the next step…

Safety Leadership Course topics and deliverables:

  • What is the difference between managing and leading?
  • Can we change people’s behaviour and culture?
  • Are our safety visions really inspiring people?
  • Can we overcome employees’ resistance to change?
  • Is a “happy worker a safe worker”?
  • Can safety be measured with KPI’s?
  • Gain understanding on ‘transformational safety leadership’
  • Learn to integrate culture, systems and operations
  • Understand what risk culture is and how to change it
  • Learn from experienced international facilitators
  • Obtain the skills to truly empower people around you
  • Provides a 360-degree safety leadership profile
  • Provides a personal leadership style profile and analysis
  • Shows how to challenge and lead change
  • Provides skills to truly unleash people
  • Improves personal and organisational performance

Contact Safemap to find out more